
The northern colonies

From the colonists intended for the Volga other groups were escorted to the area around St. Petersburg.
Here originated the colonies Saratowka, Kolpina and Srednaja Ragatka.

26.08 1765 a contract was concluded with 60 families. 30 ha of property was promised to every family. Thus the colony Neu-Saratowka originated, mostly as a colony of the Sechsziger called. First these families were planned for a Volga colony with Saratow, therefore, it is called Neu-Saratowka.

In 1766 a contract is concluded again - with 22 families, according to Russian information from Brandenburg and Saxony. Thus the colony Srednaja Ragatka was founded, and affable colony of the Zweiundzwanziger was called. 35 ha of property per family.

In 1766 another contract was concluded with 28 families and this was the colony Kolpino (Ischora). Affable one called them colony of the Achtundzwanziger. 35 ha of property per family.

As well as on the Volga colonists who were already before together are found in these settlements. After the documents here settled 110 families. 34 families come in these colonies from Schleswig - Holstein and Jutland (Denmark) and exist of the colonists whom the Danish king called in his country.

With the comparison of the family data from Denmark and the church register in Saratowka I have put together in this work the families. By the different information to the single families there also is differently strong likelyhood of the allocation.

list of names
