Riebensdorf at the Don
From the colonists intended for the Volga a group was escorted to the area of
the prince Tewjaschew.
Here on the shore of the river Sosna they established
the place village Riebens.
With it the way of these colonists is marked out.
From South Germany
coming they went to Danish services to drain there the moor.
In 1765 they
moved to St. Petersburg, Katharina die Große has selected a trail with 60
families to settle them in the area around Ostrogoshsk.
These colonists seem expected to February, 1766 to about the winters in Ostrogoshsk, from the local authorities in no manner. On the 15th of February Katharina repeats her order. It has the appearance that only the prince Tewjaschew looks after the settlement possibility. In 1766 they whipped in the country of the prince on the river Sosna her tents. There originated village Riebensdorf, derived by the „rich in fish area" Rybnoje.
As well as on the Volga colonists who were already before together are found in village Riebens. After the first check 71 families settled here, under it 109 children. 30 families come in village Riebens from Jutland (Denmark) and exist of the first colonists whom the Danish king called in 1759 in his country.
With the comparison of the family data from Denmark and the settlement list in village Riebensdorf I have put together in this work the families. By the different information to the single families there also is differently strong likelyhood of the allocation.